About the Journal

Electronic ISSN: 2357-8017

Print ISSN: 0034-9240

Focus and Scope


To disseminate knowledge and foster reflection and discussion, provide civil servants with support in public commitment and professional growth, encourage conversations among all stakeholders in public administration including policy practitioners and researchers. 


  1. To encourage and advance research related to public administration and public policy management ;
  2. To encourage the generation of knowledge that aims to facilitate the process of policy formulation and implementation, and promote the efficiency of public governance and management;
  3. To advocate the progressive concepts, effective methodologies, and dynamic practices in the public sector.


The Journal publishes articles on the following topics: State and Society, Public Policies, and Public Management.

Target Audience

Federal, state and municipal public servants; lato sensu public agents; academics; specialists; researchers; community of practitioners and others interested in debating public policies and government management.


Revista do Serviço Público - RSP is a quarterly journal issued by the National School of Public Administration. In addition to the four annual editions, special editions are occasionally published.

Note: it is worth mentioning that the periodicity of the journal has varied throughout its more than 80 years of existence, but since 1998, its quarterly publication has been guaranteed. In addition, since March 2018, it has been published electronically only.

Open Access Policy

All research articles published in the journal are fully open access: immediately freely available to read, download and share, based on the principle and the goal of democratization of knowledge.

Peer Review Process

All articles submitted would be examined through desk review by the editors of the journal. Criteria include but are not limited to the pertinence of the article to the theme of the journal, the quality of the texts, the degree of balance between theoretical and empirical analysis, its potential contribution to the development of the related field. Please note that no feedback would be provided upon the decision.

The articles that pass the desk review round would be sent to two or three experts on the related subject for the double-blind peer review. In the process of the double-blind peer review, the author would not know who the experts are, nor would the experts know who the author is. 

The analysis from the double-blind peer review would result either in the "acceptance" or "rejection". If the author decides to re-submit the article, it would go through the editorial process all over again. However, the evaluators might not necessarily be the same as those for the previous version.

Digital Preservation Policy

The Revista do Serviço Público (RSP) is preserved in the following services: Rede Cariniana (LOCKSS); Public Knowledge Project (PKP); National Library of Brazil (BN); and the Virtual Repository of National Administration Public School (ENAP).

Norms for bibliographic references

Revista do Serviço Público (RSP) follows the standard established by ABNT for texts written in Portuguese, suggesting the use of APA for articles written in foreign languages, such as English and Spanish.

Journal history

Revista do Serviço Público - RSP is the oldest journal on Public Administration in Brazil. Its first issue was published in November 1937 by the Federal Council of Civil Public Service - DASP.

After a hiatus from 1975 to 1980, the publication was resumed by the Foundation for the Training of Civil Servants (FUNCEP). After another break from 1990 to 1993, the National School of Public Administration (Enap) resumed and has managed its publication since then. 

Starting in the 2000s, RSP was remodeled as a scientific journal that contributes to the academic discussions and debates in the related fields. 

Currently, the journal is classified as A4 in CAPES Qualis (2019).