RSP é objeto de estudo em dissertação de mestrado
Dissertação de mestrado trata da história do DASP por meio do estudo dos arquivos da RSP. Clique no abstract da dissertação de Eliane Bezerra Lima (do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação da UFMG) para ter acesso à dissertação.
The purpose of the work is to explore the institutionalization of Archives science in Brazil through the approach of the archival field in the Public Service Journal (Revista do Serviço Público in the period between 1960 and 1989. The refinement of the Brazilian Public Administration structured in the late 1930s, when reform was undertaken bureaucratic service in the country. An instrument of support to the government and to the actions of the Administrative Department of Public Service (DASP), the Public Service Journal is the oldest circulation publication aimed at disseminating knowledge related to the State, Public Administration and government management. The journal played an important role in the propagation of knowledge based on scientific management and followed the transformations of the State. To understand the presence of the Archives in the journal, the work approach the evolution of the DASP; including influences, structuring and weakening. It presents the introduction of the concept of documentation in Brazil; considers the trajectory of the National Archives; the proposal of two parallel systems for the administration of documents; and the contribution of José Honório Rodrigues for the consolidation of the graduation in Archives science in the universities. Selects texts from the Public Service Journal to check the presence of archival topics in the newspaper through content analysis. The conclusions demonstrate the validity of the hypotheses proposed.