A trajectory of dissemination of ideas of public choice


  • Francisco Gaetani


escolha pública


The biographies of intellectuals who, throughout their lives, are dedicated to making known a set of ideas that they deem important for society are getting increasingly rare. An analysis of Professor Jorge Vianna Monteiro's curriculum shows an academic who has consistently dedicated himself to the study, research, and dissemination of the contents of a school of thought –public choice – that has profoundly influenced the studies of economics, political science, and  public management in recent decades.


Biografia do Autor

Francisco Gaetani

Francisco Gaetani is Coordinator of the Public Administration Professional Master’s Program at the Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration at Getúlio Vargas Foundation.




Como Citar

Gaetani, F. (2021). A trajectory of dissemination of ideas of public choice. Revista Do Serviço Público, 72(a), 9 - 11. Recuperado de https://revista.enap.gov.br/index.php/RSP/article/view/6141