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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Guidelines for Authors
  • In case of submission to a peer-reviewed section (e.g. articles), the file of the submitted work must not contain the name of its authors.
  • The contribution is original, unpublished and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal. At the time of submission, all authors of the article must have their data included, otherwise, the submission will be summarily rejected. The inclusion of the ORCID number of all authors is mandatory.
  • RSP does not charge a publishing fee (Article Processing Charges - APC), for submission or publication of articles from authors.

Author Guidelines

I. Articles submitted, in Portuguese, English or Spanish, must be between six thousand and eight thousand words (including abstracts, keywords, tables, illustrations, tables, notes, and bibliographic references except annexes), in Times New Roman, size 12, line spacing 1.5 , 2.5 cm upper and lower margins and 3.0 cm lateral sides);

II. The analytical abstracts, in Portuguese, Spanish and English, should have 1,000 (one thousand) characters (with space), allowing a global and anticipated view of the subject matter. They must also be accompanied by the minimum of 3 (three) keywords and the maximum of 5 (five) keywords (descriptors) in Portuguese, Spanish and English, which identify their content, and titles in the three languages;

III. Tables, charts, graphs and footnotes should be limited to illustrating the substantive content of the text; notes must be properly numbered and appear at the bottom of the page, observing the ABNT rules;

IV. Authors' citations in the body of the text should follow the form (Author, date). References must be listed at the end of the work, in alphabetical order, observing the ABNT rules;

V. Articles must be submitted in one of these: .docx, .doc, .rtf, .odt.

VI. Files with images must be sent in high resolution;

VII. The file of the submitted work should not contain the name of its authors, in order to ensure a blind assessment. When submitting the article, the authors fill in a specific field in which the authorship will be registered (Tips: (a) Microsoft Word, check in 'File' and 'Information'; (b) Libre Office, check in 'Tools' and 'Options' ).

VIII. Articles submitted to RSP must have a maximum of 6 (six) authors. Once the article is submitted, no authorship changes can be made (inclusion, exclusion or substitution of names).

IX. There is no limit to the submission of articles by the same author, and articles by the same author, if approved, should be published in different years.

X. The metadata of the articles must be filled in with the data of all authors. Under no circumstances will the inclusion or exclusion of authors be allowed after submission.

Peer Review Process

Articles submitted to the Journal undergo a desk review for prior adequacy analysis by the magazine's editorial staff. Some aspects evaluated at this time are: the adequacy of the article's theme to the Journal's focus, the quality of the text, the theoretical-empirical balance and the contribution to the advancement of the thematic area. Details on this decision are not provided.

Articles approved in the desk review are sent for evaluation by two referees, specialists in the subject of the article, through a double blind system (blind review): the author will not know who the referees are, nor they who is the author. This analysis may result in the acceptance of the article (conditioned, or not, to changes), or its rejection (with or without the suggestion of a new submission after modifications). 


Política padrão de seção (8 a 9 artigos por número).

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Privacy Statement: Any personal information such as names and addresses will only be used for the purpose of publication or any other associated service provided by ENAP.