Special Edition of RSP - "Governments and Covid-19" (Updated: 06/18/2020)

Announcement:  Special Edition of RSP - "Governments and Covid-19"

Recently, the pandemics of Covid-19 called governments from all around the world to fight the same unprecedented crisis. This RSP (Revista do Serviço Público) understands that, at this moment, the debate about how governments face the pandemics deserves a higher standard.

We have just launched a call for papers for our special edition with this main theme: Governments and Covid-19, with a fast track submission process. Articles should be submitted in English or Spanish. The submitted article will be reviewed in 5 weekdays. Papers accepted will be available online as articles-in-print (online first) soon after acceptance and published together on September, 1st. 

There will be only two rounds of reviews. Decisions will either be a rejection or a conditional acceptance, implying only minor revisions or expositional changes to papers before acceptance. Resubmissions will not be returned to referees for further rounds of comments. Authors will be required to return the paper for revisions within 1 week after receiving the conditional acceptance (though we will make exceptions for emergencies that arise to delay revisions).

Direct link for the submissions in English: click here.  You can also submit it under the Portuguese menu.

In case you have difficulties with the submission process for this specific special edition, send a message to claudio dot shikida at enap dot gov dot br.

Update: You should have in mind that RSP will not receive submissions or send them to reviewers after August, 18th (4 PM, Brasília local time). 

About RSP

RSP is a quarterly peer-reviewed academic journal published by ENAP (National School of Public Administration), a Brazilian Think Tank affiliated to the Brazilian federal government. It was established in 1937 as one official vehicle of communication of the government and it’s one of the most relevant Brazilian journals in Public Administration.

RSP encourages original contributions dealing with issues relevant to contemporary problems regarding institutional aspects of the relationship between governments and society. Contributed papers focus on Public Administration, Public Choice, Political Science and Public Economics among its main themes. From 2020 on, the editors are encouraging submissions in English and Spanish.