Public procurement agent in the health area

from a reactive to a proactive approach with T-SHAPED training


  • Marco Antonio Cavalcanti Batista Fundação Oswaldo Cruz/Instituto Aggeu Magalhães (IAM/Fiocruz) 0000-0002-5704-355X
  • Garibaldi Dantas Gurgel Júnior Instituto Aggeu Magalhães, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (IAM/Fiocruz), Recife – PE, Brasil 0000-0002-2557-7338
  • Kátia Rejane de Medeiros Instituto Aggeu Magalhães, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (IAM/Fiocruz), Recife – PE, Brasil 0000-0002-7518-4137


public procurement agent, public purchases, professional t-shaped, transdisciplinary


This article addresses the characteristics of T-Shaped training and its application to the public procurement agent, who works in complex institutions in the health area. The T-Shaped method presents itself as a corporate model based on proactive professionals who master transdisciplinary variables. The analysis method used in the study was proposed by Braun and Clarke, by highlighting patterns, similarities and differences in the studied data. The collection of material took place from August 2022 to January 2023, in English and Portuguese, published with no date limit. The study highlights the benefits that public procurement agents undergo when incorporating the attributes of T-Shaped training, through the change from the traditional reactive pattern to the proactive model with transdisciplinary characteristics. It concludes that it is important to apply the T-Shaped method to the development of technical skills that enable knowledge to be combined with practice.


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Author Biographies

Marco Antonio Cavalcanti Batista, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz/Instituto Aggeu Magalhães (IAM/Fiocruz)

Doctoral student of the Professional Doctorate in Public Health. Master in Public Health. Specialist in Public Management. Graduated in Business Administration from the Federal University of Pernambuco – UFPE.

Garibaldi Dantas Gurgel Júnior, Instituto Aggeu Magalhães, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (IAM/Fiocruz), Recife – PE, Brasil

PhD in Public Policy and Social Services from the University of Manchester – United Kingdom and Master in Administration from the Federal University of Pernambuco. Professor/researcher at the Department of Public Health/NESC of the Aggeu Magalhães Institute/Fundação Oswaldo Cruz

Kátia Rejane de Medeiros, Instituto Aggeu Magalhães, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (IAM/Fiocruz), Recife – PE, Brasil

PhD in Public Health from the Aggeu Magalhães Institute/IAM/Fiocruz. Professor and researcher at the Department of Public Health at IAM-Fiocruz.


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How to Cite

Cavalcanti Batista, M. A., Gurgel Júnior, G. D. ., & de Medeiros, K. R. (2024). Public procurement agent in the health area: from a reactive to a proactive approach with T-SHAPED training. Revista Do Serviço Público, 75(2), 366-386. Retrieved from


