As recomendações e as soluções amistosas da Comissão Interamericana de Direitos Humanos: política, preferências e cumprimento
human rights, Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, public policiesAbstract
The article deals with the recommendations and friendly settlements of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the responses of states based on public policies tools. Assuming the need to problematize the relation between the language of human rights with public policy studies, the main objective of the text is to analyze the decisions of the Commission and the States’ reactions based on different preferences of the actors involved. The article considers the Commission’s recommendations not as a monolithic block without distinctions, but as varied types that demand diverse public policies. Through analysis of the Commission's 2017 report, in particular its tools and compliance by States, the research shows that: (i) the Inter-American Commission has preferences for certain types of tools when drawing its solutions, (ii) states also has preferences for certain types of tools, and (iii) such preferences do not coincide with the Commission’s.
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