Agile methodologies in the context of public administration

research implementation of agile study cases




agile methodologies, public administration, project management, study cases


Adoption of agile methodologies requires changing mindset and delivery speed. The use of Agile practices in public administration has many faced challenges, large bureaucracy, process and culture. The Agile may help service delivery and increase satisfaction. The objective of this work is to research implementation of Agile methodology study cases in the public administration, in order to report the practices and results of this application. To develop this work a research was carried out, based on the last seven years of scientific publications in Science Direct, Scopus and Web of Science periodical databases. Through the research, studies were identified with reported application practices of Agile Methodology in the global and Brazilian public administration scenarios. By exploring the researches, studies address ways to start a project, its difficulties and benefits. This work shows that the culture is still the highest challenge to adopting Agile. The use of this methodology requires planning, collaboration, documentation and adaptability during a process.


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Author Biographies

Marcos Roque da Rosa, Universidade Estadual da Integração Latino-americana (UNILA),Foz do Iguaçu – PR, Brasil

Master in Technologies, Management and Sustainability, State University of Western Paraná (UNIOESTE). Researcher and doctoral student in the postgraduate program in Energy and Sustainability at the Federal University of Latin American Integration (UNILA).

Eliane Nascimento Pereira, Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná (UNIOESTE), Foz do Iguaçu – PR, Brasil

PhD in Public Policy and Human Education, State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). Master in Computer Science, Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCAR). Full professor at the State University of Western Paraná, Campus Foz do Iguaçu/PR (Unioeste).


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How to Cite

Rosa, M. R. da, & Pereira, E. N. (2021). Agile methodologies in the context of public administration: research implementation of agile study cases. Revista Do Serviço Público, 72(2), 479 - 497.


