Success factors in opening data: the case of the Central Bank of Brazil

o caso do Banco Central do Brasil



open data, access to information law, transparency, Central Bank of Brazil


The purpose of this article is to analyze conditions of success in Open Data through the case study of the Central Bank of Brazil (BC), an institution that stands out in the Open Data Policy within the federal government. The study examines the state of the art in complying with the Open Data Policy on Federal Public Administration and how the BC was able to overcome obstacles common obstacles to the Federal Public Administration (APF). The theoretical framework discusses the concepts of transparency and open government data, in their potential and limitations. To counterpoint the BC experience - based on bibliographic research, document analysis and nine semi-structured interviews - an ideal type of federal institutions on the PDAEF was built. The main findings were: (i) the culture of transparency disseminated at BC enabled greater acceptance of data-opening regulations and less resistance to the institution's Open Data Plan, while in other federal agencies, culture of transparency does not yet seem to be sufficiently widespread; (ii) the performance of key employees in BC’s data opening process was of great relevance to its policy’s success. In contrast, high turnover in the Federal Public Administration proved to be a hindrance to Open Data; (iii) Top management support and institutional engagement also proved to be factors that favored the Open Data Policy at Central Bank, however, the issue does not yet seem to be properly addressed in many federal institutions.


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Author Biographies

Wanessa Queiroz de Souza Oliveira, Ministry of Communications

She is member of the Specialist in Public Policy and Government Management (EPPGG) career. She holds a Master degree in Public Policy and Development from the Institute of Applied Economic Research (Ipea). Undersecretary for Planning and Information Technology at the Ministry of Communications.

Igor Ferraz da Fonseca, Institute of Applied Economic Research (Ipea)

Titular researcher at the Institute of Applied Economic Research (Ipea). He holds a PhD in Democracy in the XXI Century (Political Science) at the Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra (CES/UC), Portugal.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, W. Q. de S., & Fonseca, I. F. da. (2021). Success factors in opening data: the case of the Central Bank of Brazil: o caso do Banco Central do Brasil. Revista Do Serviço Público, 72(4), 724 - 752. Retrieved from


