The quality of usability of the transparency portals of federal universities in northeastern Brazil



transparency portals, universities, usability


The rhetoric about public transparency has led to numerous social and academic discussions, reverberating from the use of information technologies to the effectiveness of democracy. In this context, governments have used portals of transparency as channels for making information available about the management of public affairs. However, the quality of how this information is made available is a crucial issue. It is in this perspective that aspects of quality and usability of information systems are presented as optimizers of the transparency process via transparency portals. The present study aimed to carry out an analysis under the aegis of quality requirements and non-functional usability in the transparency portals of federal public universities in the northeast region, selecting one from each state, thus contributing to clarification and possible transparency improvements these portals. The research is characterized as a study of multiple cases, through the qualitative approach of the descriptive type. The results demonstrate that, despite the registration of portals that meet, in a fragmented way, the requirements placed by the criteria of quality and usability in the provision of information online, access to information still presents itself in an ordinary way. It is registered the occurrence of a significant number of portals that fail to present some of the criteria, demonstrating limitations regarding the efficiency in the display of the information provided in the institutions' transparency portals.


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Author Biographies

Jaílson Rodrigues Pereira, Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS)

Master in Administration from the Federal University of Sergipe, specialist in People Management from the Universidade Cândido Mendes, graduated in Administration and Marketing, both from the Centro Universitário Internacional UNINTER. 

Jérsica Florindo de Araújo Barros, Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS)

Master's in Administration from the Federal University of Sergipe, graduated in Letters with Qualification in Portuguese and English from Faculdade Sete de Setembro, specialist in Public Management from the Federal University of Vale do São Francisco and in Portuguese Language and Literature from Faculdade São Luís de França. She serves as executive secretary at the Federal University of Alagoas Campus do Sertão.

Rommel de Santana Freire, Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB)

Professor at the Department of Finance and Accounting (DFC) at the Federal University of Paraíba, institution where he earned a master's degree in Administration; PhD in Administration, in the area of corporate finance, from the Federal University of Pernambuco with a doctoral internship at the University of Houston.

Veruschka Vieira França, Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS)

Professor at the Federal University of Sergipe. Master in Chemical Engineering and PhD in Production Engineering, both degrees from the University of São Paulo. Post-doctorate in Management in Systems Engineering at University College London. Professor of the Master's Program in Administration at UFS, working in the field of innovation and technology management research.


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How to Cite

Pereira, J. R. ., Barros, J. F. de A., Freire, R. de S., & Vieira França, V. (2021). The quality of usability of the transparency portals of federal universities in northeastern Brazil. Revista Do Serviço Público, 72(4), 803-823. Retrieved from


