Impact of policy implementation shortcomings and context constraints on the effectiveness of civil servant performance appraisal

the case of Brazilian Federal Service



Brazil federal administration, civil servants, performance appraisal, public sector barriers, public policy cycle


Literature points outs constraints existing in public service to performance appraisal (PA) related to, among others, justice perception and cultural aspects. In order to analyze the effectiveness of civil servant PA policy in the Brazilian federal administration, an ex-post policy evaluation was conducted, considering its impact and implementation process. It implemented a qualitative methodology, with a case study strategy, a policy cycle analysis with the participation of relevant actors and key institutions. The results showed reduced effectiveness of the policy derived, on one hand, from implementation failures found in each stage of the policy. On the other, the results identified structural barriers - (i) stability at work; (ii) recruitment by competition; (iii) frequent supervisor turnover; (iv) autonomy and discretion of civil servants; (v) high number of decision and veto players – that lead to PA cultural constraints - (i) companionship among workers; (ii) non-acceptance of performance critiques; (iii) absence of managerial culture; (iv) traditional practice of filing the evaluation process; (v) ineffective performance bonus. One of the main practical implications discussed, besides the need to improve the policy design and implementation, is that traditional PA policies in Brazil confront federal service characteristics, leading to an outright rejection of the process, which became an administrative protocol. The research specifies and amplifies the organizational obstacles to PA in Brazilian federal service, which could be tested in other contexts.


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Author Biographies

Enrique Jesús Sánchez Elvira, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro – RJ, Brasil

Doctor in Public Policies, Strategies and Development, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Researcher and consultant in Political Science and Management.

Maria de Fátima Bruno-Faria, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro – RJ, Brasil

Doctor in Psychology and Master in Social and Work Psychology, University of Brasília (UnB). Associate Professor III, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ).


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How to Cite

Sánchez Elvira, E. J., & Bruno-Faria, M. de F. (2021). Impact of policy implementation shortcomings and context constraints on the effectiveness of civil servant performance appraisal: the case of Brazilian Federal Service. Revista Do Serviço Público, 72(b), 88 - 115. Retrieved from



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