Revista do Serviço Público, 85 years

context, text and trajectory (1937-2021)



Revista do Serviço Público, editorial trajectory, political-administrative reforms, public service, Brazil


The Revista do Serviço Público (RSP) celebrates 85 years of existence this November 2022. The objective of this article is to understand the different editorial stages through which the magazine passed, serving as study material the 4,650 texts produced since its inception, in 1937, until the year 2021. For this, the work was based on statistical analyzes carried out by Tânia Keinert and José Carlos Vaz in the 1990s, adjusting and expanding the scope of study for the 21st century, and incorporating a diagnosis on the gender profile of its writers. As a result, it is possible to verify that the different political phases of the country acted directly as guides of the thematic lines privileged by the RSP in each period. In addition, the social, economic, political and administrative transformations of the last decades allowed the inclusion of new objects of debate, as well as the increase in the gender representation of the columnists and the diversification of the reading public. In this way, the work contributes with a diagnosis of the main themes and debates of the different moments of the RSP, from its origin to the present times, serving the magazine as a relevant documental source for new lines of study on the State and the Brazilian public service.


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Author Biographies

Carolina da Cunha Rocha, Escola Nacional de Administração Pública (Enap)

Doutora em História por El Colegio de México e mestre em História pela Universidade de Brasília (UnB). Editora-Adjunta da Revista do Serviço Público (RSP).

Mila Lopes Mesquita, Escola Nacional de Administração Pública - Enap

Bachelor in Administration, UPIS - Faculdades Integradas. Specializing in Neuroscience and Human Behavior, La Salle University (Unilasalle). Deputy Editor of the Public Service Magazine (RSP).


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How to Cite

Rocha, C. da C., & Lopes Mesquita, M. (2022). Revista do Serviço Público, 85 years: context, text and trajectory (1937-2021). Revista Do Serviço Público, 73(b), 8-52. Retrieved from



RSP Edição Especial 85 anos (encerrada)