Firefighting management

spatial and temporal distribution in the south of the State of Espírito Santo


  • Iulo Pessotti Moro Federal University of Espirito Santo 0000-0002-2950-1066
  • Fabricia Benda de Oliveira Federal University of Espirito Santo 0000-0002-4456-0275


public management, Geographic Information System, Kernel Density, firefighting, Fire Department


The success of firefighting operations directly depends on the response time to incidents, so Geographic Information Systems (SIG) can provide agility in supporting decision-making. Thus, the main objective of this work is to georeference and analyze the spatial distribution of fire incidents in the area of operation of the 3rd BBM-ES and evaluate the time spent in the planning and firefighting stages from 2017 to 2020. The data of fire incidents from the reports were spatially positioned, the density of Kernel was estimated for spatial distribution analysis and the mobilization time of the contingent and firefighting time were calculated. Of the total fires, 48% were recorded in urban areas where they are more concentrated and nearer inter-municipal highways. It was observed that the variation in the number of incidents between municipalities is higher than between the evaluated years, observing a considerable variation in the specific mobilization times of each company.


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Author Biographies

Iulo Pessotti Moro, Federal University of Espirito Santo

Forest Engineer from the Federal University of Espírito Santo (2019) and Master in Public Management, Public Administration concentration area, from the Federal University of Espírito Santo (2021). Currently a doctoral candidate in Forest Sciences at the Federal University of Espírito Santo, in the area of ​​watershed management and hydrological modeling.

Fabricia Benda de Oliveira, Federal University of Espirito Santo

Graduated in Surveying Engineering, from the Federal University of Viçosa, Master's Degree in Civil Engineering - Geotechnics, from the State University of Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro, Doctorate in Plant Production - Water Resources and Geoprocessing, from the Federal University of Espírito Santo Santo. She is an adjunct professor IV in the Department of Geology at the Federal University of Espírito Santo.


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How to Cite

Pessotti Moro, I., & Benda de Oliveira, F. (2023). Firefighting management: spatial and temporal distribution in the south of the State of Espírito Santo. Revista Do Serviço Público, 74(4), 846 - 868. Retrieved from


