Size of government and political coalition in Brazil (1980-2019)


Palabras clave:

coalition presidentialism, political fragmentation, size of government, Brazil


This paper seeks to understand the political and institutional determinants of the size of the federal government in Brazil between 1980 and 2019. The hypotheses here evaluated are: (i) the greater the fragmentation in the National Congress, the greater the size of the government coalition; (ii) the larger the government coalition, the greater the number of ministries and secretariats responsible for spending; (iii) the greater the number of ministries and secretariats, the greater the federal government's expenditure expense and, therefore, the greater its size; (iv) the 1988 Constitution also increased expenses and the size of the federal government. Although the results are limited by the length of the time series, there are elements that underscore the importance of analyzing the public budget and the size of the government through the lens of Public Choice. The country's fiscal problems are not restricted to management issues or the need to curb fraud and corruption. They have a relevant political-institutional component. Not considering these aspects makes discussions about administrative and tax reforms sterile.


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Biografía del autor/a

Mariangela Ghizellini, Mackenzie Presbyterian University, São Paulo – SP, Brazil

M.A. in Economics and Markets, Mackenzie Presbyterian University.

Vladimir Fernandes Maciel, Mackenzie Presbyterian University, São Paulo – SP, Brazil

Head of the Mackenzie Center for Economic Freedom. Professor, Graduate Program in Economics and Markets, Mackenzie Presbyterian University


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Cómo citar

Ghizellini, M., & Fernandes Maciel, V. (2021). Size of government and political coalition in Brazil (1980-2019). Revista Do Serviço Público, 72(a), 110 - 140. Recuperado a partir de



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