This special issue of the Public Service Journal (RSP) brings together papers on building policy capacity for development within the Brazilian context. Starting from a broad and integrated understanding of development, which is not restricted to the context of the economic sphere, this compilation presents analyses that discuss issues relevant to the current national agenda. The accumulated imbalance of 'capacities' in various policy areas, the challenges of implementing the Sustainable Development Goals, the peculiarities of capacity mobilization in the local context, and the intersection between capacities and governance are some of the topics debated in this publication.
It is worth mentioning that this publication is a result of the debate promoted during the International Workshop on Building Capable States for Development in Latin America, held in São Paulo in December 2018 - an event promoted in a partnership between the National University of Singapore (NUS), the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV/EAESP), and the Institute of Applied Economic Research (IPEA). Thus, the papers presented in this special issue have been examined and discussed previously among Brazilian and international academics dedicated to the study of state capacities. The aim of publishing these papers in English is to continue to promote this sort of dialogue in international debates on the field of public policy.
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