Formation of governance networks for innovation in the public sector:

study of the Rede InovaGov and Comunidade de Simplificação






The paper aims to understand the formation of governance networks geared towards governmental innovation in Brazil based on a study of two cases: the Rede InovaGov of the Federal Government and the Comunidade de Simplificação of the Minas Gerais government. Through qualitative and descriptive research, the data were analyzed considering two dimensions of analysis, the actors and the process. The variables used for the dimension of the actors were participants, responsible and level of engagement, while those of the process axis were the time of existence of the networks, the type of interaction and the decision making process of both. It was concluded that the differences between the two are related to the maturity and the breadth of the federal network and the similarity of the actors of the state network, even though both are recent phenomena. As a proposal for future research, a longitudinal study is suggested that accompanies the networks in their institutionalization process.



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Author Biographies

Cristina Camila Teles Saldanha, Português



Ana Luiza Santos Terra, Português



Marcus Vinícius Gonçalves da Cruz, Português



Carolina Gomes Rosado, Português



José Clemente Maria Ferreira Santos, Português




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How to Cite

Saldanha, C. C. T., Terra, A. L. S., Cruz, M. V. G. da, Rosado, C. G., & Santos, J. C. M. F. (2020). Formation of governance networks for innovation in the public sector:: study of the Rede InovaGov and Comunidade de Simplificação. Revista Do Serviço Público, 71(c), 212-231.



Especial: Caminhos da Governança Pública

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