Mission-Oriented Innovation
perspectives for the public sector based on literature review
innovation, mission-oriented innovation, wicked problemsAbstract
The construct 'mission-oriented innovation ("MOI")' emerges in diverse contexts with different approaches. This work aims to understand this construct in the academic context, and to this end a scoping review was carried out on the Scopus database. The result reveals a lack of a systematized concept of MOI, but distinct conceptions about it were identified; they were categorized according to the emphasis given: Research, Development, and Innovation strategy; innovation process; open innovation; and target (e.g., wicked problems). The authors concluded that MOI is a transdisciplinary field; the article proposes a concept of IOM, highlighting the uniqueness that distinguishes it from other types of innovation: IOM requires the congregation of different actors around missions. While recognizing the importance of private sector participation, the research suggested that MOI has a strong adherence to public sector innovation, as it acts as a coordinator and integrator of knowledge to address the important challenges of the current century.
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