How effective is a top-up social benefit? The case of Brazil’s Bolsa Família



Bolsa Família, extreme poverty, benefit design, top-up benefit


Top-up benefits complement the beneficiary’s income up to a certain level. They have been used in several countries. The objective of this paper is to analyze how effective a top-up social benefit is in a context of high labor informality and income volatility. Based on data from the Brazilian National Household Sample Survey (Pnad Contínua/IBGE 2019), we compare the current benefit model for the Bolsa Família program (whose main strategy for fighting extreme poverty consists of a top-up benefit) with its perfect version and with a hypothetical flat-rate benefit model, paid to all extremely poor people and poor children covered by the program. The total budget is the same. Our results suggest that the top-up benefit seems to perform marginally better than the flat-rate benefit, but the difference is not statistically significant. The extreme poverty rate observed in 2019 (measured by the program’s lower eligibility threshold of BRL 89 per capita per month) was of 4.1%, whereas it would have been 4.3% if the program had a flat-rate benefit. This advantage was also observed in other poverty measures, again with non-significant results.


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Author Biographies

Luis Henrique da Silva de Paiva, Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (IPEA), Brasília – DF, Brasil

Specialist in Public Policy and Government Management,  Institute for Applied Economic Research/IPEA.

Letícia Bartholo, Ministério da Economia, Brasília – DF, Brasil

Specialist in Public Policy and Government Management, Ministry of Economy.

Marconi Fernandes de Souza, Ministério da Cidadania, Brasília – DF, Brasil

Technical Analyst of Social Policies, National Secretariat for Citizenship Income (Senarc)/Ministry of Citizenship


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How to Cite

da Silva de Paiva, L. H., Bartholo, L., & Fernandes de Souza, M. (2021). How effective is a top-up social benefit? The case of Brazil’s Bolsa Família. Revista Do Serviço Público, 72(3), 529 - 553. Retrieved from


