An overview of the social protection of workers in the Gig Economy of the transport sector in Brazil



Gig economy, social security, transport sector, Brazil


Technological advances have been transforming work relationships. Non-traditional work relationships are growing and conquering the space of traditional contracts. Consequently, ensuring adequate coverage of social protection systems for these evolving work relationships becomes a pressing challenge. This study undertakes an estimation of Gig Economy workers within Brazil's transport sector, using microdata from the Continuous National Household Sample Survey (Pnad Contínua) by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). The primary aim is to furnish valuable insights for the formulation of public policies geared towards enhancing social security inclusion. The estimation methodology pivots on two principal variables: occupation and the economic activity undertaken by these workers. The findings underscore that during the third quarter of 2022, the total count of Gig Economy workers in the transport sector surged to 1.7 million individuals; remarkably, a mere 23% of this cohort contributed to the Social Security system.


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Author Biographies

Felipe dos Santos Martins, Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (IPEA)

Doctor in Economics, Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF). Researcher at PNPD, Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (IPEA).

Geraldo Goes, Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (IPEA)

PhD in Economics, Universidade de Brasília (UnB).

Antony Teixeira Firmino, Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE)

Bachelor in Statistics from the National School of Statistical Sciences (ENCE).

Leonardo Alves Rangel, Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (IPEA)

Doctor in Public Policies, from Federal University of  Rio de Janeiro (PPED/UFRJ).


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How to Cite

dos Santos Martins, F., Sandoval Góes, G., Teixeira Firmino, A., & Alves Rangel, L. . (2023). An overview of the social protection of workers in the Gig Economy of the transport sector in Brazil. Revista Do Serviço Público, 74(4), 802 - 823. Retrieved from


