Management and Performance Program and its contribution to telework
A case study at Brazilian Office of the Comptroller General
telework, public organizations, PGDAbstract
The article aims to present the experience of the Brazilian Office of the Comptroller General (CGU) in the development and implementation of a results-based work management program and its influence on the creation of the Demand Management Program (PGD) for the entire federal Executive Branch. By setting goals in work plans negotiated between managers and employees, the PGD allows for teleworking tailored to specific needs. This study is complemented by a systematic literature review on teleworking, where a growing interest in the subject in recent years was identified, yet few studies focused on public administration, indicating a gap to be filled by future research in the field. The PGD experience points towards modern practices in public management, with indications of new standards for measuring and monitoring the performance of employees and organizational units focusing on effective results and deliveries.
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