Another model of social protection is possible

income guarantee as an emancipatory policy



social protection, income guarantee, paid work, emancipation


This article presents a normative discussion about alternatives for social protection in the post-pandemic context. To do this end, the work defends three assumptions: first; the importance of income guarantees to ensure the material conditions of existence; secondly, the need to decouple economic and social security from participation in market activities and, finally, the existence of welfare gaps that undermine the ability of protection systems to calibrate responses to social risks. The first section presents a brief discussion on social vulnerabilities and on forms of State intervention to guarantee social rights and living conditions. The second presents three income universalization alternatives in a normative exercise; the practice that Wright (2010) calls “real utopias”.


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Author Biography

Flavio Gaitán, Universidade Federal de Integração Latino-americana (UNILA)

Doutor em Ciência Política pelo Instituto Universitário de Pesquisas do Rio de Janeiro. Mestre em Políticas Sociais e graduação em Ciência Política pela Universidade de Buenos Aires. Pesquisador do Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia em Políticas Públicas, Estratégias e Desenvolvimento. Professor adjunto na Universidade Federal de Integração Latino-americana. 


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How to Cite

Gaitán, F. (2023). Another model of social protection is possible: income guarantee as an emancipatory policy. Revista Do Serviço Público, 74(1), 87 - 108. Retrieved from


