Multisectoral collaboration for the development and maintenance of participatory technology solutions
the case of Brasil Participativo
Digital Participation, Open Source, Brasil Participativo, Multisector Collaboration.Abstract
One of the challenges of formulating and consolidating digital participation policies lies in the arrangements and processes for developing and maintaining digital tools. The arrangements between stakeholders in multisectoral collaboration processes, called Open Source and Public Sector Collaboration, provide the basis for observing initiatives to build open tools. Based on that, this article reflects on multisectoral arrangements in developing and maintaining digital tools based on the creation process of the Brasil Participativo digital platform, an initiative of the Brazilian federal government. We adopted the observational study methodology, in which the authors actively participated in constructing the platform. We analyzed the data collected during the platform design and its use in the participatory Multi-Year Plan process. The joint work of these institutions delivered a consolidated structure that engaged more than 1 million 400 thousand people and 8,254 proposals in 2 months. The analysis mapped the multisectoral arrangement of Participatory Brazil, involving different actors and sectors organized into four facets: Governance, Technology, Community and Resources. The innovative and effective structure applied in the development process of Participatory Brazil offers the possibility of reproduction by different government digital tool projects.
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