Logics of action in the Brazilian bureaucracy

the case of the INCRA



bureaucracy, clientelism, team spirit, public service, neopatrimonialism


In order to assess the most prevalent logics of action in the Brazilian land agency, INCRA, we focus on the administrative processes of development and education partnerships, management reports, control bodies, documents of many superintendencies, and ethnography of bureaucracy in two of the 30 superintendencies. Were build typologies and evaluate the actions, discourses, and loyalty chains of strategic groups in the dispute arena. As a result of the overlapping of non-universalistic logics of action – like neo-patrimonialism, clientelism, team spirit – with universalistic logics, we observe a low delivery of goods and services to society. Despite a discourse emphasizing a lack of personnel and resources, the settlement titling, an institutional priority that doesn't need a lot of resources to be completed, shows the management difficulties. In order to change this situation, a better understanding of the action logics that inform them is necessary. This article tries to bring to light the hidden mechanisms of bureaucratic practice.


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Author Biography

Paulo Freire Mello, INCRA

Agronomist, Master and Doctor in Rural Development, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
(UFRGS). Server of INCRA (Rio Grande do Sul and Bahia). Author of dozens of articles and 3 books on
rural settlements, bureaucracy and vegetables.


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How to Cite

Freire Mello, P. (2022). Logics of action in the Brazilian bureaucracy: the case of the INCRA. Revista Do Serviço Público, 73(3), 385-402. Retrieved from https://revista.enap.gov.br/index.php/RSP/article/view/6476


