A new approach to economic regulation: soft regulation



soft regulation; regulatory impact analysis; alternatives to traditional regulation; economic freedom; institutional matrix


This text proposes a debate about a new approach to state intervention through alternatives other than traditional ones. The objective is to define a concept of soft regulation, identify applications and advantages of this choice, so that it can be applied in an institutionalized way in Brazil, aiming to promote the improvement of regulatory performance, without interfering too much in the functioning of society and the market. It is expected to bring to light new possibilities of intervention that contribute to the
efficiency and effectiveness of actions, in order to help increase the rationality of the country’s regulatory system and institutional matrix. The methodology used was documental and bibliographic research. As a result, it is expected to raise the discussion about the use of soft alternatives to be considered as an option to face a regulatory problem.


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Author Biographies

Fernando Boarato Meneguin, Senado Federal

Post-doctorate in Law and Economics, University of California, Berkeley. PhD and Master in Economics, University of Brasília. Legislative Consultant of the Federal Senate for Applied Microeconomics issues. Professor at Instituto Brasileiro de Ensino, Desenvolvimento e Pesquisa (IDP). Senior Consultant at Charles River Associates.

Ana Paula Andrade de Melo, Presidência da República

Master in Public Administration from IDP. Postgraduate in Public Law with emphasis in Public Management by IBMEC. Bachelor in Law. Chief for Legal Studies, Revision and Regulatory Consolidation in the Presidency of the Republic. Federal Police Officer.


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How to Cite

Boarato Meneguin, F., & Andrade de Melo, A. P. (2022). A new approach to economic regulation: soft regulation. Revista Do Serviço Público, 73(2), 199-218. Retrieved from https://revista.enap.gov.br/index.php/RSP/article/view/6739


