Brief note ont the number of RSP users according to Google Analytics



time series, change-points, Product Partition Models, Dynamic Generalized Linear Models, editorial milestones


The number of visitors to a journal’s website can be used as a proxy for its impact. In this note we
use the Product Partition Dynamic Generalized Linear Model to find possible change-points in
the time series of visitors to the Revista do Serviço Público (RSP) website over the period from
January 2017 to April 2022. Our results point to the existence of twelve structural breaks in the
series: six positives and six negatives. The positive breaks, that is, associated with an increase
in the flow of visitors, can be attributed to the release of new editions. We also verified that two
of these breaks generated a permanent change in the number of visitors to the RSP’s page. On
the other hand, the negative change points, in general, represent a mean reversion after an
unexpected increase in hits on the magazine's website. We hope that the determination of RSP's
editorial milestones can help the journal's editorial board to identify themes and authors of
greatest interest to readers.


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How to Cite

Comitti, V. S. (2022). Brief note ont the number of RSP users according to Google Analytics. Revista Do Serviço Público, 73(4), 561-568. Retrieved from


