Collaborative governance for research in health:
implications from analysis of the Research Program for the Unified Health System
Collaborative Governance, Science, Technology and Innovation Policy, Research for the Brazilian Unified Health System ProgramAbstract
The present study seeks to answer, how collaborative governance occurs in the scope of the Research Program for SUS: Shared Health Management (PPSUS), in three Brazilian states, with the purpose of point out the limits and potentialities of the theoretical model of Ansell and Gash (2008), one of the most applied models available in the literature on the topic to understand this type of phenomenon. For that, it uses a qualitative method, case study procedures, with documentary analysis and field interviews in the three selected states. It concludes that the process of collaborative governance within the scope of the PPSUS in the three analyzed states occurs in an incomplete way, dispite of the collaborative design of the program and the existence of joint decisions. The implementation of actions is limited by the resources, knowledge and processes available in each organization participating in the Program. This means that these elements strongly influence the collaborative process, a finding from which it is proposed to include in the model a category called “intraorganizational management capacity”.
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